Monday, March 9, 2009

The Pitfalls of Inorganic Growth on Twitter

With the rise in Twitter usage and the publication of a plenitude of stories on influential news sources, there has been lots of guidance provided recently on how to get thousands of followers using "follower-pumping" practices. These usually recommend using pyramid-scheme type tools, following people with similar interests who will follow you back, writing press releases, among other approaches. The more followers you amass, the greater the likelihood that the new people that you follow will follow you also. The use of Twitter-related rating services like Twitter Grader can also work in tandem with having a large number of followers to attract even more people, since numbers of followers is one method such tools use to calculate influence scores. So what is the downside to such approaches compared to getting followers organically? Getting lots of followers increases your influence, right? These tactics can be likened to startup companies that obtain venture capital funding early in their existence but don't have a compelling value proposition. Just like VC funding can speed the development of promising platforms, rapidly increase a company's market share due to spending on advertising and help a company grow rapidly in size, tactics to increase followers using schemes do work well enough to guarantee that one builds a large following. But what happens after that? What do you do after you get a few thousand followers? Are your tweets interesting enough or valuable enough to sustain that number? Have you interacted directly with enough of your followers that they'll remain with you even as you focus on gaining more followers? Are you producing enough content on other channels to sustain the number of followers you've amassed? If your answer to these questions is "no" then you run the same risk as a promising startup that has created initial market momentum through outside funding, but doesn't have a good enough product or management team to continue building profitable growth. Inevitably the funding runs out and since the company doesn't generate enough revenue to remain profitable with a less-than-compelling product, it goes out of business. Likewise, on Twitter your followers will eventually leave you if you cannot sustain your follower count with authentic and useful interactions and you'll be left with little credibility. Building a new audience when your reputation has been compromised is even more difficult than building that audience organically, one person at a time, through authentic and direct interaction.

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